Saturday, May 30, 2009

Some Oldies I've Made

Here are a few things I made over the years. The two tag pictures I backed with vintage cutter quilts before framing. For the prim heart, I used wood from my great grandfather's old barn ~ the barn is well over 150 years old and has now fallen down.
Have a wonderful day! I'm off with my sister to surprise my mom and clean her house without notice :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Freebie Standing Little Girl Images - Would Be Sweet Altered Fairies

I believe these vintage images of standing little girls would be sweet altered into fairies. What do you think? I might have to give it a try myself. If you decide to do so, and would like to share what you come up with, I'd gladly post a photo of your creation on my blog along with a link to your blog and/or site.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bath Time, the Ol' Ford, a Runaway, & Our Veggie Garden

Bubbles at bath time! Jacob's almost 2 . . He's 23 months now!
Abbie posing with her dad's Antique Ford that is in pristine condition. I'm trying to convince her to let me get her bangs cut, but she wants to let them grow out . . yet she won't always keep a barrette in and it drives me nuts, but oh who am I to tell my 7-year old know it all daughter? I'm just her mom, come on . . she's got to be "cool" and all now. LOL, I swear she acts like she's 13 at least already.
And here are Mike and Jacob busy removing stumps from land Mike cleared to increase the size of our garden. Jacob loves being on anything noisy that moves . . he was safe, with a seat belt strapped around him. Mike was very busy, as he cut down and removed close to 30 trees!
And here's a shot of just a portion of our now much bigger, newly planted veggie garden. Just wait to see it later in the season! The plants will be huge.
Uh-oh! We have a run away! LOL. Jacob ran off out of the house. He can get out on his own even if the door is locked, so we have to watch closely as he LOVES to get outside all the time.
And here he is once Mommy caught up with him still in his pajamas with a dirt streak on his forehead . . lol. Sitting on one of Abbie's li'l old bike's, but he still is too little and can't reach the pedals, so will sit on and can barely reach to the ground to stand on his tiptoes and push it along. :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lovely Award from a Friend! :)

Karen from has given me this lovely award! Thanks so much Karen! I recently have found Karen's blog, or I think she may have found me . . either way, I LOVE, love, LOVE her vintage style altered art creations!!! I can't stop peeking at her blog to see her latest work of art.

Once awarded, the rules are to 1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who's given it to you, along with the link to his or her blog. 2. Pass the award to several other blogs you enjoy. Contact those bloggers to let them know they've been chosen for this award. Have fun and enjoy your award! I really hope you choose to play and keep it going. But if you don't, that's okay too. Just enjoy your award in any way you wish and know that I think you have a very lovely blog.

I have several blogs that I enjoy, though have been away from my computer for a bit and haven't had a chance lately to get around and say hi. But, I do so love many blogs and will note the following as my choices for to receive this beautiful blog award (in no particular order):

1) Melissa at

2) Nancy at

3) Birdy at

4) Linda at

5) Sanja at

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Memorial Weekend!

It's been a busy week between work, school, and trying to get my gardens in ~ I've been wanting to take some photos to share various things here on my blog, but my schedule hasn't allowed me to find the time this week.
I decided at the last minute to ask for tomorrow as a vacation day and it was granted. Yay! So now I can relax and get my gardens planted tonight and tomorrow and get everything packed as we're spending the holiday weekend camping with friends. I made a new flower garden last night that Abbie helped me plant and have some finishing touches to do with that yet. She loves planting along with me. :)
I'm looking forward to relaxing and enjoying the weekend with family and friends!! I've been needing a break for awhile. Hope everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

ATC's & Altered Vintage Bingo Cards

I found time to work on a few more today! :) The second ATC is out of focus, but anyways, you get the idea.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poor Children

I haven't found the time between work and housework and spending time with my children to do any new altered art projects as I had been hoping. I planned to do so last night, but simply could not keep my eyes open ~ I fell asleep after washing dishes while sitting down for a few minutes (so I thought it would be) with Abbie in my lap ~ we both fell asleep around 8 p.m. in the rocking chair. Maybe . . . just maybe I can try to get to some artwork tonight. I'm not going to make any promises, but I'd love to be able to as I crave art!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vintage Postcards ~ Ads ~ Trade Cards

I've been fighting off seasonal allergies the past several days, though it seems the pollens are winning the battle so far. This year my allergies have affected me more than ever!

We're off to a spring band & choir concert at school tonight. I'm hoping to find time between running a few errands after work, getting everyone fed something for supper and before the concert to get in a nice walk, as I don't let my allergies hinder going outside and enjoying the nice weather.

I picked out a variety of sweet images to share today. I especially love the last one here, as I grew up on a dairy farm. Have a wonderful day everyone!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” -Mark Twain

"The mother is the one supreme asset of national life; she is more important by far than the successful statesman, or business man, or artist, or scientist."-Theodore Roosevelt

“All I am, or can be, I owe to my angel mother.” -Abraham Lincoln

“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” -Theodore Hesburgh

Friday, May 8, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Prim Things

I lucked out and was able to get this old chair and crock setting next to it at an auction my neighbor's had a couple of summer's ago for a steal. I LOVE the patina, even with the streak of spilled white paint splashed across a bit of it. The prim dolls and hang tag hanging on the upper left are purchases I made from Teresa of quite some time ago. Just felt like sharing a few of my favorite things out of my primitive collection. :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'm hoping to get outdoors and work on my flower and veggie gardens, weather permitting.

Need Prim Hang Tags?

I'll sell any set of 8 prim hang tags for $3.75 (that includes postage) - including any you see on my website or eBay store. I need to get in to both sites and update my pricing, but haven't found the time to do so yet. Just let me know if you see any you'd like to order. And, if you'd like a particular image or some for a certain holiday, I can make some up as you wish.