Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What a Wonderful Surprise!!

I had the pleasure of receiving these wonderful goodies as I won the blog contest Cindy hosted on her blog: http://plumtreeantiques.blogspot.com/ I LOVE IT ALL!!! Thanks so much Cindy. She has a wonderful blog with photos of so many goodies she has in her store - I wish I lived closer so I could visit her wonderful antique store.

I haven't blogged for a bit as I've been really busy between work and home and spending time with my children that I just haven't found the time to get photos uploaded for my blog. And, add in the fact that I'm still quite tired and nauseous all the time - that certainly doesn't help.

I have several photos on my camera I need to take the time to download and share soon. Hope everyone's enjoying their summer . . . I can't believe it's nearing an end already!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Stacy,
    very cute goodies. I love the collage with butterflies.
